Our Services

What we Do Best



An accident waiting to happen ? Once the collision has occurred it’s too late. We can help identify the signals and signs that all may not be well. Disasters don’t just happen. They all occur at the end of a chain of events, each of which on their own are usually insignificant. We can help break that chain. Working with your employee, We can assess, identify , and develop a realistic and workable solution.

We welcome drivers of all abilities

Courses are normally conducted within an hour’s travelling of Milton Keynes, or Stafford. Return travelling in excess of this, with incur a 45p per mile surcharge.

Booking Conditions

  • £50 non-refundable deposit
  • Payment accepted via PayPal
  • Balance payable 7 days prior
  • 7 days cancellation notice required
  • Booking via online form
  • Deposit payable within 48 hours of booking to retain the date.


Get In Touch

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Office: 01525 600 187
Mobile: 07966 471 235